Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Battle and after effects

The Battle of Fort Washington was fought on November 16th 1776.

The battle began in the morning and lasted until mid afternoonThe attack was a coordinated 3 prong attack, and was met with strong resistance at first. The turn of the battle was made when a German regiment attacked the north side of the Fort. With all his troops pinned in Fort Washington under heavy fire, Magaw was forced to surrender to the Hessian general Knyphausen.

After Effects.

The Battle was a Victory for the British and with the victory came not only the spoils of supplies but also over 2,500 soldiers that George Washington would desperately need. This battle gave the British a sense of early victory for the Revolution.

The Battle Of For Washington

The Battle of Fort Washington was an early battle of the American Revolution.
The Battle of Fort Washington was a decisive battle which ended in a British Victory.

By the Numbers:

British Troops, 8,000 (including hessians)
Patriots: 2,900

Senior British Commander General Lord Howe.
under commanders: Brigadier Lord Percy ,Brigadier Matthews, Lord Cornwallis, and General Von Knyphausen

Senior British Commander: General Washington
Under commanders: General Nathan Greene, Col. Magaw

British: 67 killed, 335 wounded, and 6 missing
American: 54 killed and 2,858 captured
American: 146 canon, 12,000 shot and shell, 2,800 muskets, and 400,000 cartridges.

The Fort!
Fort Washinton was a pentagon sided fort, that was poorly supplied, it had no inner water supply and would not withstand a siege. It also lacked trenches, ditches, and palisades. These various weakness would go unnoticed by General Greene, who would firmly argue the defense of the Fort.

The Battle!